So if you are not aware by now.... I am A HUGE BIG BROTHER fan!!! Tomorrow is the day that I get to start my 3 month obsession!!! OMG I can't wait, it is like the night before Christmas when I was little or the night before a basket ball game when I was teenager or the night before my wedding or a scheduled baby being born. Really I am not kidding I wish I was but I just love it.
The drama I get to watch on tv makes me not concentrate on the drama in my own life. (hehehehehe) I watch the live feeds I call into the live video call in program and last year I won a Big Brother shirt (I will be wearing it tomorrow in celebration).
I hope there is lots of drama! I have already watched all of the pre-interviews and have made my picks for who I like and don't like, of course these usually change with in day's of the live feeds but I will go out on a limb and give my opinions today. For my dislikes I really don't like Andrew, he is arrogant and a know it all and because of his religion seems to think all the rules should be changed to fit what he can and can't do. I don't like Reagan he thinks he is smarter and funnier then he really is, that annoys me. I super duper like Kathy, sheriff deputy, cancer survivor and beautiful what's not to like? I am afraid Monet is going to be too much of a whinny baby for the show but not quite the diva that Chima was last year....Tomorrow I will post a picture of me in my BB shirt but for today you just get to hear my initial take on this season ... oh yeah and PS I am putting it out there right now that I think the "saboteur" is going to be the super hunky Hayden!!!